Are you emotionally ready for retirement? Mike looks at a recent Wall Street Journal article that proposes 8 questions you need to ask yourself. In this episode, he looks at the first three:
On Sunday evening, how do you feel about work on Monday? Do you feel dread or anticipation?
Have you thought carefully about your financial picture? Are you financially independent?
What do my already retired friends and family think about retirement?
He also answers listener questions and issues:
How to tell if that email or text telling you your account needs attention is legitimate or if it is someone else trying to scam you.
With the potential of rising tax rates, should I convert all my retirement accounts to Roth accounts?
What are my options for giving through a fixed annuity? Can I use a Qualified Charitable Distribution?
What are some ways to donate assets to a non-profit?
Though Mike Miller is an employee of Ronald Blue Trust, Talking Money® represents his individual views, and not those of his employer or any other sponsor of the program. During the program, Mike may discuss market trends as well as specific financial planning techniques and investment ideas. These discussions are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations to any individual or organization. Work with your attorney, or accounting, or investment professional for specific individual advice and services. Any securities or investment products discussed on Talking Money® are not insured by the FDIC, are not a deposit or other obligation of or guaranteed by any bank, and are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal amount invested. Some shows contain time sensitive material that should not be relied upon without verifying.